For this month’s math is real life, I am back to the topic of wedding planning, and I have an elapsed time freebie for you!. Sheesh, who knew planning a wedding required so many decisions and so much math! For this post, I dabbled with a little elapsed time. After booking my photographer and getting package choices with different times that I would have the photographer, I had to make some decisions about the start and end times. Then I had to choose the best package that would give me the time I needed without breaking the bank. I am still not 100% decided on my start and end times, but thankfully my photographer is super understanding! So in the spirit of wedding planning and sharing (such an odd combination), I made this little elapsed time freebie for you to use with your students!
In this freebie, the students have to calculate the elapsed time of different start and end time options in a table. Then, they answer questions in regards to different packages options, using their work from the table. This is a great real world task that is a little different than just a traditional worksheet. I think it aligns well with the the new Common Core thinking and will be great practice for the skill of elapsed time.
I hope you can use this with your students (or if nothing else place it in a substitute tub for emergency sub days!) Click on the image below to grab your copy from google docs.
Thanks for sharing! We don't do elapsed time until 4th quarter, but I'm going to hold on to it until then!
Isn't planning for a wedding SO MUCH fun???!!! 🙂 I found so many details went into that I never imagined. I just wanted to pick our my dress, flowers, and cake and call it a day 😉
It's getting closer! Looks like everything is starting to fall into place!
Mathematically yours,
Jamie aka MissMathDork!