Whew! State testing is officially over! Well, for now… Retakes for the students who didn’t pass math and reading still have to happen once the scores are back. But for now, a huge sigh of relief! I have been meaning to write a post showing my test prep centers that I made this year. I used Rock and Roll graphics to create a Math Set for 4th and 5th Grade (9 centers each) and a Language Set for 5th Grade (9 Centers).
My students loved these centers! Throughout the two weeks of review, we did centers each day for at least an hour or two. These centers were a staple in the centers. Each center contains a directions page, recording sheet, and an answer key. I kept the centers very simple as far as directions go, so the kids could really concentrate on the skill. Answer keys are a must to help the students self-assess and check their answers.
Let’s take a look at some of the centers!
Here is one of the language centers on commas. The students had to rewrite the sentences, adding a comma or commas where needed.
This is one of the math centers. The students choose a decimal card and a handout. They use the decimal card to complete the handout. This reviews a TON of decimal skills! When they are done, they choose another decimal card and repeat!
Here is a set of fraction word problems. I try to make sure I include a healthy balance of word problems and computation in all my center packs. My kids need practice with both!
Here is a volume center in the math pack:
And a close up of the volume center:
These are not even half of the engaging centers in these test prep center packs. If you are interested in checking these out, they are available in my TpT store. Just click on the covers of the ones you want to check out!
I hope your state testing is finished or almost finished! What are your must haves for test prep centers or review?
Task cards are a great way to review for assessments!
The Math Maniac
So interesting that you get scores right away and students retake them. In KY we won't get the results until September and they'll be embargoed until October!!
Love your centers. We start the CRCT on Wednesday this week, blows my mind how varied the start and end dates are this year because of the snow. We originally would have started this past Wednesday, our county opted to bump it back a week. We have been reviewing like crazy in my room. Task cards (mixed review – so right now my cards are a big mess!) and they take practice tests. We alternate so they are not board! Our kids will re-test in summer school, but I really hope that I do not have any who have to retake. Enjoy the rest of your year now that you are CRCT free!
We take the ERB test next week. Last year we switched to an online version, which adds an element to the test prep. I have to practice using scrap paper with the kids and trying to make sure they won't just click an answer on the computer screen. It's crazy how much goes into test prep each year! Love your activities.