Division can be pretty exhausting for students AND teachers. This year, I wanted to mix things up and bring in some sweet treats for my students to motivate them to continue pushing hard through our division unit. So, I created some donut themed division practice, brought in some donuts, and this fun activity was born. My students and I had a lot of fun with this and I cannot wait to share the printables with you so you can bring some donut division fun into your classroom, too.
Division challenge printables (choose your version)
Division computation problems for early finishers
Donut Division Master stickers
1 donut per child or 1/2 a donut per child
Donut hats (optional)
*Note: All of the printables are available as a FREE download near the end of this post.
About the Division Activity
I kept this super simple with very little prep on my part. I passed out the donut hats to the students and explained that they would be donut managers for the day. I told them they had one multi-part challenge to solve to earn a sweet treat for a job well-done.
The students then solved the multi-part challenge, which was not super challenging as far as word problems go because I wanted the focus to be on the division itself since this was still a huge struggle for the majority of the students. While they worked, I pulled a small group of students to help them through the problems.
As students finished the challenge, they waited to be checked off by me and get their stickers showing they were a donut division master. Then they grabbed division donuts from around the room to solve. For this part, I used donut clipart to create cards with division problems written on them. Super easy, but the students loved it.
All of my students earned their donut division master stickers, so they were rewarded with a donut during lunch.
Get the Division Practice with Donuts for FREE!
Click here to grab all of the division practice printables to replicate this activity with your own students. There are multiple versions so you can use this if you teach 4th or 5th grade.
Need More Division Activities?
FREE Division Practice Printables: Click here to grab a free pack of Division of the Day printables. I use these for morning work, math review, or homework after the students have learned division and need to build their fluency and continue practicing.
Division Supplemental Resources: I also have a division pack that contains printables, simple centers, task cards, and assessments. Click here to see the Division Supplemental resource in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
4th Grade Division Task Cards: Need more division practice? These 24 division task cards include computation and word problems for 4th grade division skills (dividing by 1-digit divisors). Click here to see the 4th grade division task cards in my store.
5th Grade Division Task Cards: These 24 division task cards include a mixture of computation and word problems and are perfect for math centers to have your students practice during your division unit or to spiral the skill later on in the year. Click here to see these division task cards in my TpT store.
Division Strategies (with 2-Digit Divisors): Want to see the strategies I use with 5th graders when teaching division? Click here to read a detailed blog post with my two favorite division strategies. These strategies also work perfectly with 4th graders and 1-digit divisors.
Hope you can use this fun division practice in your classroom!
I thought it was DRAGONS that made everything better, but maybe it is actually DONUTS! :). Thanks for all these links — hopefully they will help me and my little learner get through division with understanding!
Dragons are pretty cool, too! 🙂
Where did you get the hats?