Are you looking for an engaging and meaningful way to review prefixes with your students? This post shares a high-interest free prefix reading passage (with extension activities) designed specifically to authentically review a variety of prefixes with your 4th and 5th graders in the context of reading.
About the Prefix Reading Passage Practice
This prefix practice set is not only engaging but also fairly comprehensive. It includes a variety of printables and lots of prefixes used in the context of the story.
Here is what is included:
Teaching Posters: Use the posters to review the prefixes used in the story in the extension activities. If you are teaching both free bases and bound roots, there is also a poster included to review that concept.
Engaging Passage: The passage included in the set incorporates several words with a variety of prefixes. It’s the perfect way for students to see the use of prefixes in a real-life context.
Lesson Plan and Teacher’s Guide: A lesson plan is included to guide you through the process of teaching and reviewing prefixes as well as introducing the story. Meanings for the prefixed words and a breakdown of the words with bound roots is also included.
Extension Practice Printables: Several printables are included to further deepen students’ understanding of prefixes. These activities are versatile, allowing you to choose which works best for your students and your instructional goals. More about these activities in the next section.
Note: The prefix reading passage includes prefixes added to free bases and bound roots. However, in the extension activities, the words have been separated. Depending on your instructional goals and your students, you can use both or choose only one.
About the Extension Printables
The extension practice printables offer a wide range of activities that not only strengthen the understanding of prefixes, but also help enhance overall language skills.
Here are the activities included:
- Find the Words: Students will record words from the story that use prefixes.
- Code the Words: Students are given the words from the story and must code them by circling the prefixes and underlining the base/root.
- What’s the Meaning?: Students are given the words from the story. They will circle the prefix and then write the meaning of each word.
- Show What You Know: Students demonstrate their understanding of the prefixed words from the story by answering questions.
- Word Generation: Students generate a list of new words that contain the same prefixes used in the words from the story.
- Writing Sentences: Students choose 5 words from the story to use in unique sentences.
- Completing Sentences: Students complete new sentences with words from the story.
Note: Two printables are available for each activity, one featuring words with free bases, and the other with bound roots. This provides flexibility for you to meet the specific needs of your students and your standards.
About the Digital Prefix Reading Passage
A digital version of the student printables is also included. The content has been redesigned for optimal digital use with Google Slides. The slides contain visually appealing colors and designs. They are also ready-to-go with text boxes and/or moveable pieces for the students to use. Students must be in EDIT mode to complete the slides versions.
Remember to delete the slides you do not want to assign your students before assigning. For tips and guidance with assigning Google Slides, click here.
Get the Prefix Reading Passage and Activities HERE
To get the free prefix reading passage and activities sent straight to your inbox, click the button below and enter your email in the form that pops up. Using a personal email address is better for deliverability reasons.
Want MORE Prefix Reading Passages?
If you love this prefix reading passage and want more for reviewing and teaching specific prefixes (and just a few at a time), check out this bundle of 11 sets of prefix reading passages with extension activities, just like this free set!