Graduation seems to always be a big deal to fifth graders. Graduation ceremonies are a great way to celebrate their final year in elementary school and send them off with a bang. These free graduation activities are perfect to use at the end of year to get students excited and help them prepare for the graduation ceremony.
About the Free Graduation Activities
This resource includes 7 different graduation-related printables. Pick and choose which of these to use or use all of them.
The graduation printables are:
- Graduation Invitation
- Notes to Remember
- Favorite Memory
- Hopes and Dreams for My Future
- My Outfit
- My Graduation Playlist
- Class of 20## Coloring Page Printables (2022-2032 included)
Graduation Invitation Printables
Let students design and create their own graduation invitations to give to their families (this can be in addition to your more detailed invitation if you send one home).
Notes to Remember
It seems there are always details and information students need to remember about the ceremony, such as clothing they should wear, what time they should have parents arrive, etc. Use this free printable to help students keep track of all of the important details.
Favorite Memory Printable
The favorite memory printable is great to have students complete and share with their peers before graduation. You could also hang the memories on the walls of your classroom or hallway for parents and families to read after the ceremony.
Hopes and Dreams for My Future Printable
This is another easy printable activity to have students complete and share. If you live in a small town and are able, you could save these and mail them to them when they are getting ready to graduate high school.
My Outfit
Students love planning their graduation outfits. This printable allows them to sketch out what they plan to wear before the big day.
My Graduation Playlist
Graduation songs are always a big deal! Let the students create their own playlist by choosing 5 songs they would play and explaining why they would choose them with this free printable.
Need some graduation song recommendations? Check out these!
Class of 20## Coloring Page (2022-2032 included)
Students can decorate and design this coloring page to use as decoration for the ceremony OR if you do a graduation walk, younger grades could decorate them and hold them up during the walk.
About the Free Digital Memory Slideshow
There is also a free digital memory slideshow included in the download. Your students can fill in their own names, text and add photos to create a unique memory slideshow to show their friends and family and celebrate this momentous occasion!
For access to this FREE end-of-year resource collection, click on the image below. You will be taken to a webpage where you can enter your email to unlock access to the resources. The collection includes the freebie shown in this blog post, along with other end-of-year resources.
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