Posting I Can Statements on a regular basis can really help keep your students informed about what they are learning each week. This post will share FREE 5th Grade Math I Can Statements (based on the common core standards).
Need 5th Grade Literacy I Can Statements? Click here!
About the Math I Can Statements
These I Can Statements are based on the common core math standards. There is one statement (or multiple statements) depending on the skill for each 5th grade common core standard. A link to an editable version is included if you need to modify or tweak the statements based on your specific state requirements.
Each I Can Statement Page Includes:
- A title which summarizes the skill in 1-3 words
- The I Can Statement written in kid friendly language (while still using appropriate math vocabulary)
- The matching standard number and actual standard
Using the I Can Statements
Here some ideas for using these Math I Can Statements:
1. Hang them for on the wall, a bulletin board, or on your dry-erase board as your daily objectives. This will allow your students to see what they are learning each week.
2. Use the I Can Statements to focus your small group math instruction. I like to tape a page protector to the center of my table. Then I can easily slide in the I Can Statement and refer to it during instruction.
3. Place them in math centers with the directions and center materials. A few years ago, I started doing this so my students could easily see the connection between the math centers and what we were learning in math. Also, the students could refer to the statement to help them verbalize what they were practicing if administration asked.
4. Use the statements to guide self-assessment. Refer to the I Can Statement and have the students do an informal self-assessment on their master of the skill.
Organizing and Storing the I Can Statements
I like to store my I Can Statements in a binder inside page protectors. This keeps them organized and ready-to-go year after year.
Click here to grab the FREE binder covers and spines shown (math starts on page 3).
Download the FREE 5th Grade I Can Statements for Math Here
Click here or on the image shown to grab the 5th Grade Math I Can Statements for FREE!
See page 2 of the PDF for the link to an editable version.
***Want to see how I pace my 5th grade math standards? Click here!
More Teaching 5th Grade Math Blog Posts
Complete Collection of Guided Math Blog Posts and Articles
Alternatives to Whole Group Math that Are Not Math Centers
Planning for Small Group Math Instruction –> This is actually the first post in a 4-part series all about teaching small group math.
Recommended Resources for 5th Grade Math
Do you have I Can statements for 4th Grade math?
Hi Brandi, yes, you can find them here:
Do you have a way to edith the I can statements. Georgia has changed the name of the standsrds for example now its not called NBT any more its NRS.
Will you be posting a fourth grade math I can statements as well? I’ve only been able to find fifth grade.
Hi Yesenia, you can find them here:
Love these! Any chance you have 6th grade math “I Can” cards?
I would LOVE and appreciate them for 6th grade. Any chance?
Do you have the I CAN statements in the TEKS version?
Hi Shelley, I don’t. I only have common core aligned versions available. Thanks for asking!
Can’t wait to use these with my 5th graders!
Thanks so much!
Jennifer, thank you so much for your generosity. I will be teaching 5th grade math next year, and you saved me a lot of time.
do you have I CAN statements for third grade math/ELA/science?
Do these I CAN statements go with a Common Core series? We did not purchase the Common Core series as our state doesn’t do the Common Core. A wonderful resource for teachers!
Jennifer, I love using your stuff. I’ve been moved to 3rd. Do you have the same bundles for 3rd?
I noticed in your picture of the “I Can Statement” that you used different colors. What is the reasoning for the colors being different? Do you have a guide before I print them to what colors should go with each?
Thank you
Thank you so much for this AMAZING resource! I have been wanting to implement “I Can” statements into my classroom and this has saved me so much time. I saw that you had binder covers and spines for both Math and ELA – Do you happen to have an edible version as well? I am using your editable version of the I Can statements to make some for Science and would love to have the a matching binder cover to boot. Thanks again for all of your hard work! Newbie teachers like me REALLY appreciate it!
Will you be providing standards for the updated Alabama Math Standards?
Thanks so much! I was wondering if you would mind sharing what font you used for the headers? I was going to make some for science and social studies and would like them to match the others.
Will they be updated to the new 2023 math standards? BTW I love all your stuff!
Hello! Our school just adoped the IntoMath series which is somewhat like our Go Math (Which I loved). I did type up my “I CAN”Statements with the new NE math standards for all modules in 5th and 6th, but I was wondering if anyone has any Vocab tests or worksheets for the 5th and 6th grades? I always used a page in our GO MATH for our Chapter vocab tests and then I added to it, but this series doesn’t have a page just on vocabulary. I thought I would just ask to see if anyone has made any vocabulary tests for the 5th and 6th grades from the IntoMath series. I will have to make all new Quizlets too with the vocab for the modules to put on Google Classroom now and may just use those for my vocabulary chapter tests. I appreciate all the teachers that put in so much work and create new ideas that are not found in our math curriculums. Thank you, Jennifer, for your diligence and dedication to students and teachers! You provide so many refreshing ideas!