Mother’s Day always seems to sneak up on us each year! On top of everything else you have on your plate at this time of year, you may be scrambling to think of a project your students can create as a gift for their moms or the special adults in their lives. It seems as if you could scroll for hours on Pinterest to try to find the perfect project-turned-keepsake moms will love. (Is there a filter to search for activities that don’t require paint to dry or glitter to cover your classroom? Asking for a friend.)
Have you considered a digital Mother’s Day gift this year? I have shared my Mother’s Day Top Ten Lists before and they’re always a big hit with students and mothers alike. This year, I have turned the project digital so your students can create custom slideshows to share with their moms or mother-figures. My students love creating digital projects and writing all about their moms, so this project is sure to be a homerun with yours as well!
About the Digital Mother’s Day Gift
The digital version is Google Classroom ready in Slides format.
It includes the following four themes for your students to choose from when creating their Top Ten lists.
- Top Ten Things I Love About You
- Top Ten Greatest Moments with You
- Top Ten Things You Do Best
- Top Ten Reasons You Are the Best
In addition to the lists geared toward moms, alternative versions are included for Loving Parents, Loving Guardians, Celebrating You, and a Mom version en Espanol.
Student directions are included to make it easy for your students to select the themes they’d like to use for their digital lists. The rest of the slideshow includes numbered slides with editable text boxes in which your students can type their responses. The final page includes a special closing message for their moms and a place for them to sign their names.
Encourage students to be thorough when they write and resize the text as needed to fill the space provided on each slide. The resource is ready to use without any formatting needed, but is also easy to customize if your students want to make it their own.
When your students are finished, they have a couple of options for sharing their digital gifts with their moms. They can email a link to the presentation straight to their mothers or watch it together in presentation mode on Mother’s Day. The latter option works best if they have a device at home to access it (perhaps after Mom enjoys a relaxing breakfast in bed!).
Using the Digital Mother’s Day Gift: Important Tips and Reminders
- When assigning the digital Mother’s Day gift project in Google Classroom, be sure to set it to make a copy for each student.
- Give the students a due date so you can be certain their mother will have a gift on Mother’s Day.
- Provide students with their parents’ email addresses if they are uncertain where to send their completed projects to.
- If using Gmail, consider having your students schedule it to send on Mother’s Day as a special surprise!
Get the Digital Mother’s Day Freebie Here!
Click here or on the image to access the digital Mother’s Day Slideshow gift idea.
It will open in a PDF and you will click the links to copy the versions you need to your drive. From there, you can assign it to your students via Google Classroom.
Disclaimer: Digital activities take much longer to create and secure than printable ones. Because of this, I am unable to offer any alternatives or make any tweaks. I truly wish that I could but it is honestly not feasible for me to do so. I try to include as many versions as I can, so hopefully one of those will work. Thank for you understanding.
Need more detailed tips for assigning Google Slides in Google Classroom? Click here!
Jennifer – This is amazing!!!! Not being able to make a gift with my class this year for their moms was very disappointing. NOW you solved that problem for me. I can assign this in Google Classroom and they can present to their mom on May 10.
THANK YOU SO much for this!!!
What a lifesaver!
Hi Jennifer – You are amazing! Thank you for anticipating teachers’ needs, making all of these amazing resources, AND providing them for free. I am officially your biggest fan! I just shared your links to several Facebook groups and I regularly link to you on my blog:
Thank you, thank you! We appreciate you and your support.
This is awesome, I hope you’re planning on one for Father’s Day too! Thanks again 🙂
Thank you! This is awesome.
Thank You!
I don’t know how you find the time to do all that you do, but I am thankful for you!!!!
🙂 This is so fantastic and BEAUTIFUL! I also hope you’re planning on one for Father’s Day as well! Maybe we’ll see an email with that, too? Thank you so very, very much!!!
Thank you so much for this resource!!! It is perfect and very helpful during this challenging time!
Thank you so much for taking the time to create this, and of course for generously sharing it!
Thank you Jennifer for making a Spanish copy!! I teach middle school and have 2 beginning ELL classes. This will be a perfect gift, especially right now. So often my beginning kiddos get left out of fun activities due to the language barrier. Thank you again!!
Thank you SO much for this! I am very appreciative and can’t wait to see what my students put!!
What a great digital assignment for the times! Thank you very much, I can’t wait to read what my students write.
Thank you soooooo much! I was wondering what to do for Mothers’ Day with my students. This is perfect. I teach 6th grade. Although I know this is pretty much designed for younger scholars, I know that my kiddos will love this.
Thank you so much!!! This is perfect for this year. I really appreciate you sharing your hard work and ideas.
Thank you so much!!
Thank you so much! I have really appreciated your digital resources during this time of remote learning…especially the free ones.
Thank you very much for creating and sharing this! The resources you have provided during distance learning have been incredibly helpful and SO well done. You are AMAZING. Thank you for all you do!
This is amazing! I assigned it to my class this morning and already have several kids creating. When a friend sent me a link to this page and I saw your name in the link, I already knew I would LOVE it! Thank you so much for keeping our digital needs in mind. It’s such a nice-looking slide show with a great purpose. These moms are going to love it!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU , THANK YOU! You have truly saved me so much time and energy. The simple words of “Thank you” are truly not enough to express my gratitude for this free gift. As we teachers continue to navigate and push through the unchartered waters of remote learning, it is so nice to come across people like you that are so giving and willing to share with teachers across the globe.
Thank you so much. May all the good you do for others come back to you ten fold!
God Bless and stay safe and healthy,
Cassie Holmes
New York
I can’t thank you enough for helping me. I was stuck on what my students could do as an activity for Mother’s Day, since I had been in bed all day resting from an ugly bike fall. Your website and this assignment couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time, and it was FREE!!! Thank you for your kindness and generosity!!! Wishing you a very, very HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!! God bless you!!
I cannot thank you enough for this! We have always done some really cute crafts for Mother’s Day in school, and I was feeling a bit lost about it since I am all virtual this year. This will make my students so happy to be able to surprise their moms! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.