It never fails. No matter how many times I spiral review reading skills through homework, reading review, read alouds, or guided reading, I always get those looks during test prep review. You know the ones…the deer in the headlight looks when they get asked to determine the text structure of a text or identify the point of view of a story. I learned long ago not to fight it and instead, be proactive. One way that I am proactive is by providing reading test prep helpers for my students to refer to. These are perfect for 4th and 5th grade test prep!
Keep reading to learn how I use these test prep helpers and get them for free!
About the Reading Test Prep Helpers
There are two different helpers: one for literature skills and one for informational skills. The skills align with 4th and 5th grade common core reading standards, but I do include a link to an editable version if you need to make some edits.
The test prep helper printables don’t teach the skills – they simply provide definitions and just enough information to serve as a reminder for the students.
I have found that often my students just need a reminder to trigger their memory of learning the skill. However, if students still look completely lost after reviewing the vocabulary, make a note of those students. That is a perfect opportunity to pull a small group for some intensive re-teaching.
Using the Reading Test Prep Helpers
Here are some ways you can use the reading test prep helpers to help your students:
1. Small Group Test Prep Instruction – Have a few copies of the test prep helpers available to refer to as you are reviewing different reading skills. If you need resources for reading test prep, click here to see my MEGA bundle of recommend test prep resources.
2. Reading Test Prep and Review Centers – Place some laminated copies at reading centers or stations where the students are reviewing several skills. These reading test prep helpers work perfectly with my Reading Games for 4th and 5th Grade. While the students are playing the game, they can refer to the helper as needed to review different skills.
3. Study Tool for Students – Finally, these printables can be given to students as study tools or refreshers the weeks leading up to the test. My students often ask for something to study and review and this is definitely a non-threatening but also helpful review. Click here to read tips and grab free printables if you want to learn more about how I teach my students to study.
4. Classroom Reference – Project any of the digital reading test prep helpers to your board to allow your students to refer to them during reading review centers or assign as study material through Google Classroom. Digital versions are linked in the free PDF.
For access to this FREE Rock Your Test Prep Season collection, click here or on the image below. You will be taken to a webpage where you can enter your email to unlock access to the Rock Your Test Prep Season collection instantly. The collection includes the freebie shown in this blog post, along with other test prep favorites.
Want More Test Prep Freebies?
Are you in need of more test prep resources and activities to engage your students and help them feel confident about the test? I have a special free email series with TEN different test prep activities for grades 4-5 math and literacy teachers. Click here to get all of the details and sign up for the 10 days of test prep freebies, sent straight to your inbox.
More Test Prep Activities and Ideas
Want even more test prep ideas and activities? Click on the links below to get even more ideas to implement engaging and relevant test prep that you and your students will love!
FREE Test Prep Motivational Quote Coloring Pages
Online Test Taking Strategies and Resources
Implementing Test Prep Centers
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